Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Week 11 - Youtube, google and Yahoo video.

Youtube is an excellent site with a broad range of subjects from scientific experiments, to entertainment and humour. It was very interesting to do various searches through the site to hear about peoples academic discussions in regards to various subjects. While this is great to broaden your own knowledge on subject matter i feel it would be hard for the academic to utilise this tool effectively unless they know that the person discussing is in fact a professor as opposed to Joe Blogs from down the road in the sandwich deli. Yahoo video and google Video were similiar to youtube but were not as useful in terms of search results. I also found the layout of their site not as appealing or as user friendly as youtube.

Below is a video i found while searching through youtube. It is an interesting clip about a teacher utilising various tools on the internet; youtube, podcasting, etc to help teach students from all around the country. An excellent concept considering how in his country (USA) there is always a limit in funding for the arts and musical subjects.

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