Sunday, September 16, 2007

RSS feeds

I really enjoyed this exercise especially the searching in the database. I made sure the article is full text before I added it to my RSS collections.

How useful would this be?

To be able to incorporate interesting articles in my blog which could be shared by my fellow bloggers with the same interest as mine is so exciting. I could add any latest news or findings in my blog and a friend from any part of the world could go in access my blog and download whatever articles that is of interest to them.

Where can you see this being used?

Students could do the same they could enhance their research thru blog networking especially if articles they need can be only found in databases we don't subscribe. Make sure that the article is full text.RSS feeds has great potential. After all RSS feeds are electronic alerts so any updates which are not relevant can be quickly isolated and ignored.

Do you think this technology would engage students?

yes. Introduce blogging in user ed then stand back and watch. It will be exciting to watch as it spreads like wildfire.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

This week I opened my bloglines account.Each morning I eagerly check my Gmail account to see if there are some subs waiting for me to open. I often come accross RSS in my readings but I never found time to research it let alone to learn it. I am glad I am in this Library Learning 2.0 not only that I have learnt more about what RSS is, but I have the chance to subscribe to so many RSS feeds too. I was merrily chosing what to subscribe and ended with 16 subscriptions! More readings to do... mama mia.

One of the video links under resources was not working. When I clicked on it it opens and froze. I tried several times but it never worked on me or maybe it is me and my midas touch.

Talking about midas touch, a friend who is a techno lass was about to show me how to incorporate my National Geographic sub to my blog. When we went into page element we noticed that I do not have the "add a page element" template with out this we cannot add anything to my blog. Luckily she has a computer brain that understands the http language. A big thank you to you techno whiz you are an angel otherwise I will have to start all over again. She waved her magic wand and bingo my add a page element template was installed.
My RSS was incorporated at last and I uploaded a new photo. It's now spring in the hills.

Until next time...the saga of a blogger continues.